Em...the story begin like this ~ There was two angels, one young n one elder angel..They had went down the man world to visti the people. One rainy n cold night, both of them had reached a small village and come to a poor house." Knoeck Knock..." then a old man opened the door and lead them in the hse..the poor couple give them their best food n give them their bed to sleep on while the couple sleep on the floor..Then the next morning,they were awaken by the cry of the poor wife. SHe cried bcoz of their only cow died last nite. The couple was very sad cow the only valueble thing had gone.
Then the young angel ask the elder one :"y din u save the cow last nite?"
The elder one said:"things are not wat u seen..., Last nite i saw the Angel of Death had come for the poor wife, so i let the cow take the wife's place."
Then the next day, they want to a big village and reached the vilage cheif house. They rich couple let them in very unwillingly..Then they gave them the leftover food and let them sleep at store room only..AT nite when they are freezing, the elder saw a hole at the wall and mended it.. The young one ask him:" Y u so nice to these kinda horrible people?"
THe old one reply: "things r not wat u think it is."
He said:" from the hole i can see the gold so i mended the hole so that he cant find the treasure...."
Finally the young ones understand...Things are usually NOT the way you think they Were...so u guys..hope u can get some lesson o some light from this little story..