Hmm..busy month~...loaded with many assignments and reports and exams~ Really pray for better time management skill~ o mayb i sud reduce the day-dreaming time~ Hehe...
Witnessed a frens's departure from Malaysia to Aussie, those family-gather- around- her hugging- and- chatting- and -leaving- airport left some affects me~ Some part of me was wonderng how it felt like to be the one who is leaving all those ppl behind and flying up to the air~ But im sure im gonna miss them very much~
Next thing is about the accident again~ Yup, *agAin*...My fault this time...but i very sui coz i left jus like tat since there was no ppl around there...What racing through my mind tat time was that i jus wan to get back to my room to get something and rushed back to the scene to notify the owner with some notes or something...but too bad car not spotted since then, GOd, i promise i sure will fix my mistake when chance arrive.. * Deeply Regret*